Furthermore, it is a close relationship between the autonomy of private law and the principle of statutory real right. 由于物权法与债权法的区别和对立,决定了物权法宜采用物权法定原则,债权法宜采用私法自治原则。
Optional norms and compulsory norms are differently value-oriented and both of them form the foundation of autonomy of private law. 私法中的任意性规范与强行性规范在私法中的价值取向不同,它们共同构成了私法自治的基础。
On the Autonomy of Private Law in Property Law 论物权法中的私法自治
Civil litigants 'jus disponendi originated from the principle of autonomy of private law in civil substantive law. It is a procedural right through the public law reform of procedural law. 民事诉讼当事人处分权是导源于民事实体法中的私法自治原则,而又经过诉讼法公法性改造的程序性权利。
If this Utopia idea can make true in China, autonomy of private law will obtain solid base, and the protection mechanism of transaction safety will reform. 如果这种近乎乌托邦的设想能在中国实现,那么,私法自治将获得坚实基础,交易安全的维护机制也将发生彻底变革。
In essence, it honors the individual as a subject of law and authorizes the individual to handle private affairs in his own meaning, which is also the way to realize autonomy of private law. 从实质上看,它是对个人主体性的尊重,是对于个人依自由意志处理私人生活的授权,是实现私法自治的工具和手段。
Principles for the autonomy of private law 论私法自治原则
The idea of the freedom of contract budded from the Roman law which takes the peace and the autonomy of private law as the ultimate solicitude. 契约自由思想的萌生,始于以平等和私法自治为终极关怀的罗马法。
Restriction and stimulation are the two dimensions of the reform in civil public prosecution procedure in our country out of seeking balance between different values, such as national intervention and autonomy of private law, strengthening the functions procuratorate and preventing abusing of power. 出于在国家干预与私法自治,强化检察职能与防止权力滥用等不同价值取向之间寻求平衡,激励与限制是我国民事公诉程序改革中的两个维度。
Autonomy of private law is the supreme rule and essential requirement of private law. Private law has two mechanisms, inner governance and outer governance. 私法自治是私法的最高原则和本质要求,私法具有内在治理与外部治理两种治理机制。
As the opposite of Claim, the Right of Defense is of great importance to the establishment of autonomy of private law. 作为请求权的对立面,抗辩权在构建私法自治空间方面具有重要地位。
The principle of autonomy of private law is the spiritual principle of the civil law. However, the abstract traditional understanding of its intention limits its application in different areas of the civil law, property law in particular. 私法自治原则是民法的精神原则,然而人们对这一原则内涵的传统理解过于抽象,因而影响了其在不同民事法领域的贯彻,其中以物权法领域尤甚。
Autonomy of private law bear the weight of people's basic relief about constitutionality. 私法自治承载着人们对于法治的基本信念。
The Autonomy of Private Law and Remedy in the Interpretation of the Declaration of Will 意思表示解释中的私法自治与救济
Autonomy of private law is also in accordance with law. 意思自治是依法自治,是市民社会的基本理念;
Personals only acquire the right of laying down the primary rules for themselves from the legislators according to the clause of autonomy of private law in order to become rules, private rules need to stand the test of various qualifications set by legislators. 私人依据私法自治条款只是从立法者那里获得了为自己制定主要规则的权限;私人规则通往法律规则需要经受立法者设定的种种资格考验。
The intention of People has an important position in modern civil law. By the tool of expression of intention, parties establish civil legal relation on his own intention, to realise the principle of Autonomy of Private Law. 当事人的意志在近代民法中具有非常重要的地位,通过意思表示这一工具,当事人依据自己的意思来构建法律关系,以实现私法自治。
The employment relationship has the conception of autonomy of private law, while with the conception of social law, the labor relationship has more legal regulations. 雇佣关系更多地倾向于民法的私法自治理念,而劳动关系在社会法调整下拥有更多的法律规制。
But this kind of protection is negative," independent participation "for the capacity lack of the protection of, and this is the core of the concept of autonomy of private law. 但这种保护是消极的,对于行为能力欠缺者的自主参与权的保护明显不足,而这却是私法自治理念的核心。
With the development of social and economy, the law changes from focusing only on Autonomy of Private Law to pay attention to the guarantee of trust, and now they are all the value pursued by law. 随着社会经济的发展,法律从专注于私法自治,开始对信赖保护进行关注,进而把它视为与私法自治一样的价值追求。
Freedom is the most important value of the contract; moreover, the contract also could reflect the autonomy of private law. Nevertheless, void contract is a state intervention in freedom on the will of parties by compulsory measure. 自由是合同最重要的价值,合同也是私法自治的体现,而无效合同正是国家通过强制手段对当事人意思自由进行的一种干涉。
Under the guidance of the classical contract theory, contract has been regarded as production of the autonomy of will, contract law has been regarded as the typical case of the autonomy of private law. 在古典契约理论的指导下,合同一直被视为是自治的产物,合同法一直被视为是私法自治的典型。
The urban community autonomy is derived from the autonomy of private law, use for reference public law to become a new type of special autonomy. 城市社区自治是从私法自治中衍生出来、借鉴公法自治模式产生的一种新类型的特殊自治。
According to the principle for the autonomy of private law, corporate, as legal person, is an independent civil or commercial subject which has by nature the right to guarantee. 而根据私法自治的原则,公司作为法人,是独立的民商事主体,对外提供担保理应是其应有之义。
Corporate autonomy is the embodiment of autonomy of private law in corporate law. Autonomy of private law is the theoretic origin of corporate autonomy. So corporate autonomy in corporate law can also be divided actual autonomy and theoretic autonomy. 而公司自治是私法自治在公司法中的体现,私法自治是公司自治的理论根源,由此,在公司法领域存在的公司自治也可以分为实然的公司自治和应然的公司自治。
In this Chapter, it distinguishes the definition of autonomy, freedom and free will, analyses the premise of the autonomy of private law and the relationship between the autonomy of company charter and the intervene of the third party. 本章中区分了自治、自由与自愿的含义,分析了私法自治的前提,解剖了公司章程自治与第三人干预的关系。
Giving people autonomy of private law rights and obligations of the formation of the behavior of private freedom, the legal principle of property rights is a statutory authority, does not restrict the behavior of human freedom. 私法自治赋予人们形成私权利义务关系的行为自由,而物权法定原则是对权限的法定,并不限制行为人的自由。
Corporate autonomy is a concrete expression of autonomy of private law and is needed by economic and social development. 公司自治是私法自治的具体表现,也是现在经济社会发展所需要的。
The validity of the contracts in violation of mandatory rules is a timeless subject, also is a deal with the basic theory of the relationship between the autonomy of private law and public law enforcement. 违反强制性规范的合同效力是一个历久弥新的论题,也是一个处理私法自治与公法强制之间关系的基础理论问题。
Compulsion under autonomy of private law aims at preventing abuse of autonomy or to relieving the sufferer of abuse of autonomy. 私法自治下的强制,其存在的目的是:防阻滥用自治或对因对方滥用自治而受损害者予以救济。